Event notifications are handled by the lava-publisher service on the master. You can subscribe to these events through lava-publisher service and receive events such as:
To subscribe to these events, you can get the lava-publisher protocol and port via XML-RPC call from the server [ scheduler.get_publisher_event_socket ].
For more information, visit lava-publisher docs.
LAVA Server offers API services as an XML-RPC server. You can interact with it using any XML-RPC client. For example, in python3 you can do this:
import xmlrpc.client server = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy("https://staging.validation.linaro.org/RPC2/", allow_none=True) print(server.system.listMethods())
The following python3 code shows how to authenticate using an XML-RPC client, when a method requires authentication.
WARNING: https://
is recommended when using authentication.
import xmlrpc.client username = "USERNAME" token = "TOKEN_STRING" hostname = "HOSTNAME" # staging.validation.linaro.org server = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy("https://%s:%s@%s/RPC2/" % (username, token, hostname), allow_none=True) print(server.system.listMethods())
is a valid username
in the specified LAVA instance. TOKEN_STRING
is a valid token
associated with the above username in the same LAVA
instance. HOSTNAME
is the fully qualified domain name
or IP address of the same LAVA instance.
In the above code snippet the ServerProxy string
is constructed from different components, with separators, which are
clearly illustrated as follows:
allows your client to match the server behaviour
of handling an empty value as a null (None
in Python, undef
in Perl etc.)
instead of as string like 'None'
Name ---- `scheduler.aliases.add` (`name`) Description ----------- Create a device-type alias Permission: lava_scheduler_app.add_alias Arguments --------- `name`: string Name of the alias 'device_type_name': string Name of the device type to alias Return value ------------ None
Name ---- `scheduler.aliases.delete` (`name`) Description ----------- Remove a device-type alias Permission: lava_scheduler_app.delete_alias Arguments --------- `name`: string Name of the alias Return value ------------ None
Name ---- `scheduler.aliases.list` () Description ----------- List available device-type aliases Arguments --------- None Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC array of aliases
Name ---- `scheduler.aliases.show` (`name`) Description ----------- Show alias details. Arguments --------- `name`: string Alias name Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC dictionary with alias details.
Name ---- `all_device_types` () Description ----------- Get all the available device types with their state and count information. Arguments --------- None Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC array in which each item is a dict which contains name (device type), idle, busy, offline counts. For example: [{'idle': 1, 'busy': 0, 'name': 'panda', 'offline': 0}, {'idle': 1, 'busy': 0, 'name': 'qemu', 'offline': 0}]
Name ---- `all_devices` () Description ----------- Get all the available devices with their state and type information. Arguments --------- None Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC array in which each item is a list of device hostname, device type, device state, current running job id and if device is pipeline. For example: [ ['panda01', 'panda', 'running', 'good', 164, False], ['qemu01', 'qemu', 'idle', 'unknwon', None, True], ]
Name ---- `all_jobs` () Description ----------- Get submitted or running jobs. Arguments --------- None Return value ------------ This function returns a XML-RPC array of submitted and running jobs with their status and actual device for running jobs and requested device or device type for submitted jobs and job sub_id for multinode jobs. For example: [[73, 'multinode-job', 'submitted', None, 'kvm', '72.1'], [72, 'multinode-job', 'submitted', None, 'kvm', '72.0'], [71, 'test-job', 'running', 'kvm01', None, None]]
Name ---- `cancel_job` (`job_id`) Description ----------- Cancel the given job referred by its id. Arguments --------- `job_id`: string Job id which should be canceled. Return value ------------ None. The user should be authenticated with an username and token.
Name ---- `scheduler.device_types.add` (`name`, `description`, `display`, `owners_only`, `health_frequency`, health_denominator`) Description ----------- [superuser only] Add a new device-type to the database. Devices will need a suitable template to use the new device-type. Arguments --------- `name`: string Name of the device-type `description`: string Device-type description `display`: bool Is the device-type displayed in the GUI? `owners_only`: bool DEPRECATED: this field is not used any more `health_frequency`: int How often to run health checks `health_denominator`: string ("hours" or "jobs") Initiate health checks by hours or by jobs Return value ------------ None
Name ---- `scheduler.device_types.aliases.add` (`name`, `alias`) Description ----------- [superuser only] Add an alias to the device-type Arguments --------- `name`: string Device-type name `alias`: string Alias name to add Return value ------------ None
Name ---- `scheduler.device_types.aliases.delete` (`name`, `alias`) Description ----------- [superuser only] Remove an alias from a device-type Arguments --------- `hostname`: string Device hostname `name`: string Alias to remove Return value ------------ None
Name ---- `scheduler.device_types.aliases.list` (`name`) Description ----------- List device-type aliases Arguments --------- `name`: string Device-type name Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC array of aliases
Name ---- `scheduler.device_types.get_health_check` (`name`) Description ----------- Return the health-check definition for the requested device-type or filename. Note: not all device-types have a health check filename that matches the device-type name in the database. Arguments --------- `name`: string Filename The .yaml suffix will be added if not specified. Return value ------------ The health-check
Name ---- `scheduler.device_types.get_template` (`name`) Description ----------- Return the device-type configuration for the requested device-type or filename. Note: not all device-types have a health check filename that matches the device-type name in the database. Arguments --------- `name`: string Name of the device-type The .jinja2 suffix will be added if not specified. Return value ------------ The device-type configuration
Name ---- `scheduler.device_types.list` (`show_all=False`) Description ----------- List available device-types. Some device-types are only visible to devices owners. Arguments --------- `show_all`: bool Show all available device-types Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC array of device-types
Name ---- `scheduler.device_types.set_health_check` (`name`, `config`) Description ----------- [superuser only] Set the health-check definition for the requested device-type or filename. Note: not all device-types have a health check filename that matches the device-type name in the database. Arguments --------- `name`: string name of the device-type `config`: string The health-check as a yaml file The .yaml suffix will be added if not specified. Return value ------------ None
Name ---- `scheduler.device_types.set_template` (`name`, `config`) Description ----------- [superuser only] Set the device-type configuration for the requested device-type or filename. Note: not all device-types have a health check filename that matches the device-type name in the database. Arguments --------- `name`: string name of the device-type `config`: string The device-type configuration as a jinja2 template The .jinja2 suffix will be added if not specified. Return value ------------ None
Name ---- `scheduler.device_types.show` (`name`) Description ----------- Show some details about the given device type. Arguments --------- `name`: string Name of the device-type Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC dictionary with device-type details
Name ---- `scheduler.device_types.update` (`name`, `description=None`, `display=None`, `owners_only=None`, `health_frequency=None`, `health_denominator=None`, `health_disabled=None`) Description ----------- [superuser only] Update the metadata information for this device-type. Arguments --------- `name`: string Name of the device-type `description`: string Device-type description `display`: bool Is the device-type displayed in the GUI? `owners_only`: bool DEPRECATED: this field is not used any more `health_frequency`: int How often to run health checks `health_denominator`: string ("hours" or "jobs") Initiate health checks by hours or by jobs `health_disabled`: bool Disable health checks for this device-type Return value ------------ None
Name ---- `scheduler.devices.add` (`hostname`, `type_name`, `worker_hostname`, `user_name=None`, `group_name=None`, `public=True`, `health=None`, `description=None`) Description ----------- [superuser only] Add a new device to the database, to support V2. Each device will also need a device dictionary. Arguments --------- `hostname`: string Hostname of the device `type_name`: string Type of the new device `worker_hostname`: string Worker hostname `user_name`: string DEPRECATED: This field is not used any more `group_name`: string DEPRECATED: This field is not used any more `public`: boolean DEPRECATED: This field is not used any more `health`: string Device health, among ["GOOD", "UNKNOWN", "LOOPING", "BAD", "MAINTENANCE", "RETIRED"] `description`: string Device description Return value ------------ None
Name ---- `scheduler.devices.delete` (`hostname`) Description ----------- Remove a device. Arguments --------- `hostname`: string Hostname of the device Return value ------------ None
Name ---- `scheduler.devices.get_dictionary` (`hostname`, `render=False`, `context=None`) Support for the context argument is new in api_version 2 see system.api_version(). Description ----------- Return the device configuration Arguments --------- `hostname`: string Hostname of the device `render`: bool Render the device configuration. By default, return the dictionary `context`: string Some device templates need a context specific when processing the device-type template. This can be specified as a YAML string. New in api_version 2 - see system.api_version() Return value ------------ The device dictionary
Name ---- `scheduler.devices.list` (`show_all=False`, `offline_info=False`) Description ----------- List available devices with their state and type information. Arguments --------- `show_all`: boolean Show all devices, including retired `offline_info`: boolean Add date from which each of the returned devices is offline (if the device is offline) and the user who put the device offline (if the device is offline) to the returned dictionary. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC array in which each item is a dictionary with device information
Name ---- `scheduler.devices.set_dictionary` (`hostname`, `dictionary`) Description ----------- [user with admin permission only] Set the device dictionary Arguments --------- `hostname`: string Hostname of the device `dictionary`: string The device dictionary as a jinja2 template Return value ------------ True if the dictionary was saved to file, False otherwise.
Name ---- `scheduler.devices.show` (`hostname`) Description ----------- Show some details about the given device. Arguments --------- `hostname`: string Hostname of the device Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC dictionary with device details
Name ---- `scheduler.devices.update` (`hostname`, `worker_hostname=None`, `user_name=None`, `group_name=None`, `public=True`, `health=None`, `description=None`, `device_type=None`) Description ----------- [user with admin permission only] Update device parameters. Only the non-None values will be updated. Owner and group are always updated at the same time. Arguments --------- `hostname`: string Hostname of the device `worker_hostname`: string Worker hostname `user_name`: string Device owner, User with physical access `group_name`: string DEPRECATED: This field is not used any more `public`: boolean DEPRECATED: This field is not used any more `health`: string Device health, among ["GOOD", "UNKNOWN", "LOOPING", "BAD", "MAINTENANCE", "RETIRED"] `description`: string Device description `device_type`: string Device type Return value ------------ None
Name ---- `export_device_dictionary` (`device_hostname`) Description ----------- [user with admin permission only] Export the device dictionary key value store for a pipeline device. See also get_pipeline_device_config Arguments --------- `device_hostname`: string Device hostname to update. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC binary data of output file.
New in api_version 2 - see system.api_version() Name ---- `get_device_config` (`device_hostname`, context=None) Description ----------- Get the device configuration for given device hostname. Arguments --------- `device_hostname`: string Device hostname for which the configuration is required. Some device templates need a context specified when processing the device-type template. This can be specified as a YAML string: `get_device_config` `('qemu01', '{arch: amd64}')` Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC binary data of output file.
Name ---- `get_device_status` (`hostname`) Description ----------- Get status, running job, date from which it is offline of the given device and the user who put it offline. Arguments --------- `hostname`: string Name of the device for which the status is asked. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC dictionary which contains hostname, status, date from which the device is offline if the device is offline, the user who put the device offline if the device is offline and the job id of the running job. The device has to be visible to the user who requested device's status. Note that offline_since and offline_by can be empty strings if the device status is manually changed by an administrator in the database or from the admin site of LAVA even if device's status is offline.
Name ---- `get_device_type_by_alias` (`alias`) Description ----------- Get the matching device-type(s) for the specified alias. It is possible that more than one device-type can be returned, depending on local admin configuration. An alias can be used to provide the link between the device-type name and the Device Tree name. It is possible for multiple device-types to have the same alias (to assist in transitions and migrations). The specified alias string can be a partial match, returning all device-types which have an alias name containing the requested string. Arguments --------- `alias`: string Name of the alias to lookup Return value ------------ This function returns a dictionary containing the alias as the key and a list of device-types which use that alias as the value. If the specified alias does not match any device-type, the dictionary contains an empty list for the alias key. {'apq8016-sbc': ['dragonboard410c']} {'ompa4-panda': ['panda', 'panda-es']}
Name ---- `get_publisher_event_socket` Return value ------------ This function exposes the EVENT_SOCKET from the settings file which is used for the lava-publisher daemon.
Name ---- `get_recent_jobs_for_device` (`device`, `count=1`, `restrict_to_user=False`) Description ----------- Get details of recently finished jobs for a given device. Limits the list to test jobs submitted by the user making the query if restrict_to_user is set to True. Get only the most recent job by default, but count can be set higher to get for example the last 10 jobs. Arguments --------- `device`: string Name of the device for which you want the jobs `count`: integer (Optional, default=1) Number of last jobs you want `restrict_to_user`: boolean (Optional, default=False) Fetch only the jobs submitted by the user making the query if set to True Return value ------------ This function returns a list of dictionaries, which correspond to the list of recently finished jobs information (Complete or Incomplete) for this device, ordered from youngest to oldest. [ { 'description': 'mainline--armada-370-db--multi_v7_defconfig--network', 'id': 359828, 'status': 'Complete' }, { 'description': 'mainline--armada-370-db--multi_v7_defconfig--sata', 'id': 359827 'status': 'Incomplete' } ]
Name ---- `get_recent_jobs_for_device_type` ( `device_type`, `count=1`, `restrict_to_user=False`, ) Description ----------- Get details of recently finished jobs for a given device_type. Limits the list to test jobs submitted by the user making the query if restrict_to_user is set to True. Get only the most recent job by default, but count can be set higher to get for example the last 10 jobs. Arguments --------- `device_type`: string Name of the device_type for which you want the jobs `count`: integer (Optional, default=1) Number of last jobs you want `restrict_to_user`: boolean (Optional, default=False) Fetch only the jobs submitted by the user making the query if set to True Return value ------------ This function returns a list of dictionaries, which correspond to the list of recently finished jobs information (Complete or Incomplete) for this device, ordered from youngest to oldest. [ { 'description': 'ramdisk health check', 'id': 359828, 'status': 'Complete', 'device': 'black01' }, { 'description': 'standard ARMMP NFS', 'id': 359827 'status': 'Incomplete', 'device': 'black02' } ]
Name ---- `import_device_dictionary` (`device_hostname`, `jinja_string`) Description ----------- [user with change_device permission only] Import or update the device dictionary key value store for a pipeline device. Arguments --------- `device_hostname`: string Device hostname to update. `jinja_str`: string Device configuration as Jinja2 Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC binary data of output file.
Name ---- `job_details` (`job_id`) Description ----------- Get the details of given job id. Arguments --------- `job_id`: string Job id for which the output is required. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC structures of job details, provided the user is authenticated with an username and token. The elements available in XML-RPC structure include: _state, submitter_id, is_pipeline, id, failure_comment, multinode_definition, priority, _actual_device_cache, original_definition, status, health_check, description, start_time, target_group, submit_time, is_public, _old_status, actual_device_id, definition, sub_id, requested_device_type_id, end_time, absolute_url, submitter_username, submitter_email
Name ---- `job_health` (`job_id`) Description ----------- Get the health of given job id. Arguments --------- `job_id`: string Job id for which the output is required. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC structures of job health with the following fields. The user is authenticated with an username and token. `job_health`: string ['Unknown'|'Complete'|'Incomplete'|'Canceled']
Name ---- `job_output` (`job_id`, `offset=0`) Description ----------- Get the output of given job id. Arguments --------- `job_id`: string Job id for which the output is required. `offset`: integer Offset from which to start reading the output file specified in bytes. It defaults to 0. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC binary data of output file, provided the user is authenticated with an username and token.
Name ---- `job_state` (`job_id`) Description ----------- Get the state of given job id. Arguments --------- `job_id`: string Job id for which the output is required. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC structures of job state with the following fields. The user is authenticated with an username and token. `job_state`: string ['Submitted'|'Scheduling'|'Scheduled'|'Running'|'Canceling'|'Finished']
Name ---- `scheduler.jobs.cancel` (`job_id`) Description ----------- Cancel the given job referred by its id. Arguments --------- `job_id`: string Job id which should be canceled. Return value ------------ None. The user should be authenticated with an username and token.
Name ---- `scheduler.jobs.configuration` (`job_id`) Description ----------- Return the full job configuration Arguments --------- `job_id`: string Job id Return value ------------ Return an array with [job, device, dispatcher, env, env-dut] config. Any of these values might be None if the corresponding file hasn't been used by the job. If the job hasn't started yet, a 404 error will be returned.
Name ---- `scheduler.jobs.definition` (`job_id`) Description ----------- Return the job definition Arguments --------- `job_id`: string Job id Return value ------------ The job definition or and error. Note: for MultiNode jobs, the original MultiNode definition is returned.
Name ---- `scheduler.jobs.list` ( `state=None`, `health=None`, `start=0`, `limit=25`, `since=None`, `verbose=False`, `duration_at_least=None` ) Description ----------- List the last jobs, within the specified range, in descending order of job ID. Jobs can be filtered by `state` and `health` (if provided). Arguments --------- `state`: str Filter by state, None by default (no filtering). Values: [SUBMITTED, SCHEDULING, SCHEDULED, RUNNING, CANCELING, FINISHED] `health`: str Filter by health, None by default (no filtering). Values: [UNKNOWN, COMPLETE, INCOMPLETE, CANCELED] `start`: int Skip the first N job(s) in the list `limit`: int Max number of jobs to return. This value will be clamped to 100 `since`: int (minutes) Filter by jobs which completed in the last N minutes. `verbose`: bool Add extra data including actual_device, start_time, end_time, error_msg and error_type. Note: error_msg can contain nested quotes and other escape characters, parse with care. `duration_at_least`: int (minutes) Filter by jobs that take longer than N minutes. Return value ------------ This function returns an array of jobs with keys: "id", "description", "device_type", "health", "state", "submitter" If verbose is True, these keys are added: "actual_device", "start_time", "end_time", "error_msg", "error_type"
Name ---- `scheduler.jobs.logs` (`job_id`, `start=0`, `end=None`) Description ----------- Return the logs for the given job Arguments --------- `job_id`: str Job id `start`: int Show only after the given line `end`: int Do not return after the fiven line Return value ------------ This function returns a tuple made of (job_finished, data). job_finished is True if and only if the job is finished.
Name ---- `scheduler.jobs.queue` (`device_types=None`, `start=0`, `limit=25`) Description ----------- List the queued jobs (state.SUBMITTED), within the specified range, in descending order of job ID. Jobs can be filtered by `requested_device_type` (if provided). Arguments --------- `device_types`: Array of str If provided, list jobs whose requested_device_type match any of the provided device-types. None by default (no filtering). `start`: int Skip the first N job(s) in the list `limit`: int Max number of jobs to return. This value will be clamped to 100 Return value ------------ This function returns an array of jobs with keys: "id", "description", "requested_device_type", "submitter" If no queued test jobs exist to match the criteria, an empty array is returned.
Name ---- `scheduler.jobs.resubmit` (`job_id`) Description ----------- Resubmit the given job referred by its id. Arguments --------- `job_id`: string The job's id which should be re-submitted. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC integer which is the newly created job's id, provided the user is authenticated with an username and token.
Name ---- `scheduler.jobs.show` (`job_id`) Description ----------- Show job details Arguments --------- `job_id`: string Job id Return value ------------ This function returns a dictionary of details about the specified test job.
Name ---- `scheduler.jobs.submit` (`definition`) Description ----------- Submit the given job data which is in LAVA job JSON or YAML format as a new job to LAVA scheduler. Arguments --------- `definition`: string Job JSON or YAML string. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC integer which is the newly created job's id, provided the user is authenticated with an username and token. If the job is a multinode job, this function returns the list of created job IDs.
Name ---- `scheduler.jobs.validate` (`definition`, `strict=False`) Description ----------- Validate the given job definition against the schema validator. Arguments --------- `definition`: string Job YAML string. `strict`: boolean If set to True, the validator will reject any extra keys that are present in the job definition but not defined in the schema. Return value ------------ This function returns None if the job definition is valid. Returns a dictionary in case of error with the key and msg.
Name ---- `pending_jobs_by_device_type` () Description ----------- Get number of pending jobs in each device type. Private test jobs and hidden device types are excluded, except for authenticated superusers. Arguments --------- `all`: boolean - include retired devices and undisplayed device-types in the listing. Return value ------------ This function returns a dict where the key is the device type and the value is the number of jobs pending in that device type. For example: {'qemu': 0, 'panda': 3}
Name ---- `put_into_maintenance_mode` (`hostname`, `reason`, `notify`) Description ----------- Put the given device in maintenance mode with the given reason and optionally notify the given mail address when the job has finished. Arguments --------- `hostname`: string Name of the device to put into maintenance mode. `reason`: string The reason given to justify putting the device into maintenance mode. `notify`: string Email address of the user to notify when the job has finished. Can be omitted. Return value ------------ None. The user should be authenticated with a username and token and has sufficient permission.
Name ---- `put_into_online_mode` (`hostname`, `reason`, `skip_health_check`) Description ----------- Put the given device into online mode with the given reason and skip health check if asked. Arguments --------- `hostname`: string Name of the device to put into online mode. `reason`: string The reason given to justify putting the device into online mode. `skip_health_check`: boolean Skip health check when putting the board into online mode. If omitted, health check is not skipped by default. Return value ------------ None. The user should be authenticated with a username and token and has sufficient permission.
Name ---- `resubmit_job` (`job_id`) Description ----------- Resubmit the given job referred by its id. Arguments --------- `job_id`: string The job's id which should be re-submitted. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC integer which is the newly created job's id, provided the user is authenticated with an username and token.
Name ---- `submit_job` (`job_data`) Description ----------- Submit the given job data which is in LAVA job JSON or YAML format as a new job to LAVA scheduler. Arguments --------- `job_data`: string Job JSON or YAML string. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC integer which is the newly created job's id, provided the user is authenticated with an username and token. If the job is a multinode job, this function returns the list of created job IDs.
Name ---- `validate_pipeline_device` [`name`] Description ----------- Validate that the device dictionary and device-type template together create a valid YAML file which matches the pipeline device schema. Retired devices are ignored. See also get_pipeline_device_config Arguments --------- `name`: string Can be device hostname or device type name. If name is specified, method will search for either a matching device hostname or matching device type name in which case it will only validate that(those) device(s). If not specified, this method will validate all non-retired devices in the system. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC structure of results with the following fields. `device_hostname`: {'Valid': null} or `device_hostname`: {'Invalid': message} `
Name ---- validate_yaml (yaml_job_data) Description ----------- Validate the supplied pipeline YAML against the submission schema. Note: this does not validate the job itself, just the YAML against the submission schema. A job which validates against the schema can still be an invalid job for the dispatcher and such jobs will be accepted as Submitted, scheduled and then marked as Incomplete with a failure comment. Full validation only happens after a device has been assigned to the Submitted job. Arguments --------- 'yaml_job_data': string Return value ------------ Raises an Exception if the yaml_job_data is invalid.
Name ---- `scheduler.workers.add` (`hostname`, `description=None`, `disabled=False`) Description ----------- [superuser only] Add a new worker entry to the database. Arguments --------- `hostname`: string The name of the worker `description`: string Description of the worker `disabled`: bool Is the worker disabled? Return value ------------ None
Name ---- `scheduler.workers.delete` (`hostname`) Description ----------- Remove a worker. Arguments --------- `hostname`: string Hostname of the worker Return value ------------ None
Name ---- `scheduler.workers.get_config` (`hostname`) Description ----------- Return the worker configuration The server will first try /etc/lava-server/dispatcher.d/<hostname>/dispatcher.yaml and fallback to /etc/lava-server/dispatcher.d/<hostname>.yaml Arguments --------- `hostname`: string Hostname of the worker Return value ------------ This function returns the worker configuration
Name ---- `scheduler.workers.get_env` (`hostname`) Description ----------- Return the worker environment The server will first try /etc/lava-server/dispatcher.d/<hostname>/env.yaml and fallback to /etc/lava-server/env.yaml Arguments --------- `hostname`: string Hostname of the worker Return value ------------ This function returns the worker environment
Name ---- `scheduler.workers.get_env_dut` (`hostname`) Description ----------- Return the worker DUT environment The server will first try /etc/lava-server/dispatcher.d/<hostname>/env-dut.yaml and fallback to /etc/lava-server/env-dut.yaml Arguments --------- `hostname`: string Hostname of the worker Return value ------------ This function returns the worker environment
Name ---- `scheduler.workers.list` (`show_all=False`) Description ----------- List workers Arguments --------- `show_all`: boolean Show all workers, including retired Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC array of workers
Name ---- `scheduler.workers.set_config` (`hostname`, `config`) Description ----------- Set the worker configuration Arguments --------- `hostname`: string Hostname of the worker `config`: string The worker configuration as a yaml file Return value ------------ True if the configuration was saved to file, False otherwise.
Name ---- `scheduler.workers.set_env` (`hostname`, `env`) Description ----------- Set the worker environment Arguments --------- `hostname`: string Hostname of the worker `env`: string The worker environment as a yaml file Return value ------------ True if the environment was saved to file, False otherwise.
Name ---- `scheduler.workers.set_env_dut` (`hostname`, `env`) Description ----------- Set the worker environment for DUT Arguments --------- `hostname`: string Hostname of the worker `env`: string The worker environment as a yaml file Return value ------------ True if the environment was saved to file, False otherwise.
Name ---- `scheduler.workers.show` (`hostname`) Description ----------- Show some details about the given worker. Arguments --------- `hostname`: string Hostname of the worker Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC dictionary with worker details
Name ---- `scheduler.workers.update` (`hostname`, `description=None`, `health=None`, `job_limit=None`) Description ----------- [superuser only] Update worker parameters Arguments --------- `hostname`: string Hostname of the worker `description`: string Description of the worker `health`: string Set worker health ("ACTIVE", "MAINTENANCE" or "RETIRED") `job_limit`: positive integer Set job limit for this worker Return value ------------ None
Name ---- `get_testcase_results_csv` (`job_id`, `suite_name`, `case_name`) Description ----------- Get the test case results of given job id, suite and test case name in CSV format. Arguments --------- `job_id`: string Job id for which the results are required. `suite_name`: string Name of the suite for which the results are required. `case_name`: string Name of the test case for which the results are required. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC structures of test case results in CSV format, provided the user is authenticated with an username and token.
Name ---- `get_testcase_results_yaml` (`job_id`, `suite_name`, `case_name`) Description ----------- Get the test case results of given job id, suite and test case name in YAML format. Arguments --------- `job_id`: string Job id for which the results are required. `suite_name`: string Name of the suite for which the results are required. `case_name`: string Name of the test case for which the results are required. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC structures of test case results in YAML format, provided the user is authenticated with an username and token.
Name ---- `get_testjob_metadata` (`job_id`) Description ----------- Get the job level metadata which includes entries created by LAVA as well as submitted in the test job definition Arguments --------- `job_id`: string Job id for which the results are required. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC structures of job results as a list of dictionaries, provided the user is authenticated with a username and token. [ {name: value}, {name: value}, ] For example: [ {'boot.0.hikey-oe.commands': 'fastboot'}, {'source': 'https://git.linaro.org/lava-team/refactoring.git'}, {'test.0.tlxc.definition.path': 'ubuntu/smoke-tests-basic.yaml'} ]
Name ---- `get_testjob_results_csv` (`job_id`) Description ----------- Get the job results of given job id in CSV format. Arguments --------- `job_id`: string Job id for which the results are required. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC structures of job results in CSV format, provided the user is authenticated with an username and token.
Name ---- `get_testjob_results_yaml` (`job_id`) Description ----------- Get the job results of given job id in the YAML format. Arguments --------- `job_id`: string Job id for which the results are required. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC structures of job results in YAML format, provided the user is authenticated with an username and token.
Name ---- `get_testjob_suites_list_csv` (`job_id`) Description ----------- Get the test suites list from job results of given job id in CSV format. Arguments --------- `job_id`: string Job id for which the test suites are required. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC structures of test suites list from job results in CSV format, provided the user is authenticated with an username and token.
Name ---- `get_testjob_suites_list_yaml` (`job_id`) Description ----------- Get the test suites list from job results of given job id in YAML format. Arguments --------- `job_id`: string Job id for which the test suites are required. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC structures of test suites list from job results in YAML format, provided the user is authenticated with an username and token.
Name ---- `get_testsuite_results_count` (`job_id`, `suite_name`) Description ----------- Get the count of test cases in test suite. Arguments --------- `job_id`: string Job id for which the results are required. `suite_name`: string Name of the suite for which the test case count is required. Return value ------------ This function returns a count of test cases in particular test suite, provided the user is authenticated with an username and token.
Name ---- `get_testsuite_results_csv` (`job_id`, `suite_name`, `limit=None`, `offset=None`) Description ----------- Get the suite results of given job id and suite name in CSV format. Arguments --------- `job_id`: string Job id for which the results are required. `suite_name`: string Name of the suite for which the results are required. `limit`: int Limit the number of test cases fetched. `offset`: int Start fetching test cases from a specific point. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC structures of suite results in CSV format, provided the user is authenticated with an username and token.
Name ---- `get_testsuite_results_yaml` (`job_id`, `suite_name`, `limit=None`, `offset=None`) Description ----------- Get the suite results of given job id and suite name in YAML format. Arguments --------- `job_id`: string Job id for which the results are required. `suite_name`: string Name of the suite for which the results are required. `limit`: int Limit the number of test cases fetched. `offset`: int Start fetching test cases from a specific point. Return value ------------ This function returns an XML-RPC structures of suite results in YAML format, provided the user is authenticated with an username and token.
Name ---- `make_custom_query` (`entity`, `conditions`, `limit`) Description ----------- Construct and run a custom query and return the results. Arguments --------- `entity`: string The entity you want to query `conditions`: string The conditions of the query `limit`: integer Add a limit to the number of results returned. Defaults to 200. Return value ------------ A list of dictionaries containing the query results. The user should be authenticated with a username and token. Example ------- # Get all test jobs submitted by the user 'kernel-ci', and which ended # as 'Incomplete': server.results.make_custom_query("testjob", "testjob__submitter__exact__kernel-ci," "testjob__health__exact__Incomplete") [{ jobXX }, { jobXY }, ...] # Get all test cases in a test suite named 'custom-tests', that failed, # and for whom the job ended after '2017-04-26 00:00:00'. server.results.make_custom_query("testcase", "testsuite__name__exact__1_custom-tests," "testcase__result__exact__Test failed," "testjob__end_time__gt__2017-04-26 00:00:00") [{ testcaseXX }, { testcaseXY }, ...]
Name ---- `refresh_all_queries` Description ----------- Refreshes all queries in the system. Available only for superusers. Arguments --------- None. Return value ------------ None. The user should be authenticated with a username and token.
Name ---- `refresh_query` (`query_name`, `username`) Description ----------- Refreshes the query with the given name owned by specific user. Arguments --------- `query_name`: string Query name string. `username`: string Username of the user which is owner of/created the query you would like to update. Defaults to None, in which case the method will consider the authenticated user to be the owner. Either way, the authenticated user needs to have special access to this query (being an owner or belonging to the group which has admin access to the query). Return value ------------ None. The user should be authenticated with a username and token.
Name ---- `run_query` (`query_name`, `limit=200`, `username=None`) Description ----------- Run the specified query and return the results of the query. Arguments --------- `query_name`: string Query name string. `limit`: integer Add a limit to the number of results returned. Defaults to 200. `username`: string Username of the user which is owner of the query you would like the results. Defaults to None, in which case the method will consider the authenticated user to be the owner. Either way, the authenticated user needs to have special access to this query (being an owner or belonging to the group which has admin access to the query). Return value ------------ A list of dictionaries containing the query results. The user should be authenticated with a username and token.
Name ---- `system.api_version` () Description ----------- Return the lava-server XML-RPC API version string. Clients can check this string to know whether to use particular arguments to available functions. Note: For older instances which do not support this call in the first place, check for this call in the output of system.listMethods() if 'system.api_version' in connection.system.listMethods(): api_version = int(connection.system.api_version()) if api_version >= 2: # safe to run the new API here. else: # use the old API Arguments --------- None Return value ------------ lava-server XML-RPC API version integer
Name ---- assign_perm_device(`perm`, `device`, `group`): Description ----------- Grant a permission to a specific group over a device. This function requires ``change_device`` permission. Arguments --------- perm: string Permission codename string. Currently supported permissions for Devices are 'view_device', 'submit_to_device' and 'change_device'. device: string device hostname to assign permission for. Device with the specific hostname must exist in LAVA. group: string group name to which the permission will be granted Return value ------------ No return value.
Name ---- assign_perm_device_type(`perm`, `device_type`, `group`): Description ----------- Grant a permission to a specific group over a device type. This function requires ``change_devicetype`` permission. Arguments --------- perm: string Permission codename string. Currently supported permissions for Device_Types are 'view_devicetype', 'submit_to_devicetype' and 'change_devicetype'. device_type: string name of device type to assign permission for. Device type with specified name must exist in LAVA. group: string group name to which the permission will be granted Return value ------------ No return value.
Name ---- `getCapabilities` () Description ----------- XML-RPC Server capabilities. Arguments --------- None Return value ------------ Returns the XML-RPC Server capabilities which has the following format: { auth_token: { 'specUrl': 'xxxxxx', 'specVersion': xxxxxx }, 'introspect': { 'specUrl': 'xxxxxx', 'specVersion': x }, 'faults_interop': { 'specUrl': 'xxxxxx', 'specVersion': xxxxxx } } Reference --------- * See: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/xml-rpc/message/2897 * http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/xmlrpc-c/introspection.html is dead, the actual URL that works is: http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/introspection.html This is, however, what the spec mandates (visit the URL above to cross-reference the relevant fragment).
Name ---- `listMethods` () Description ----------- List all available methods in this XML-RPC server. Arguments --------- None Return value ------------ Returns a list of available methods.
Name ---- `master_config` () Description ----------- Return a dictionary containing the master and logger ZMQ socket addresses for this instance. Arguments --------- None Return value ------------ Returns a dictionary containing the following keys: { "EVENT_SOCKET": "tcp://*:5500", "EVENT_TOPIC": "org.linaro.validation", "EVENT_NOTIFICATION": True, "LOG_SIZE_LIMIT": 10, }
Name ---- `methodHelp` (`method_name`) Description ----------- Provide documentation for specified method. Arguments --------- `method_name`: string Name of the method whose documentation is required. Return value ------------ Returns the documentation for specified method.
Name ---- `methodSignature` (`method_name`) Description ----------- Provide signature for the specified method. Arguments --------- `method_name`: string Name of the method whose signature is required. Return value ------------ Returns the signature for specified method or undef if the signature is unknown.
Call multiple methods with one request. See: http://web.archive.org/web/20060824100531/http://www.xmlrpc.com/discuss/msgReader$1208 The calls are specified by an XML-RPC array of XML-RPC structures. Each structure must have exactly two arguments: 'methodName' and 'params'. Method name must be a string matching existing method. Params must be an XML-RPC array of arguments for that method. All methods will be executed in order, failure of any method does not prevent other methods from executing. The return value is an XML-RPC array of the same length as the length of the subcalls array. Each element of the result array holds either an XML-RPC Fault when the subcall has failed or a list with one element that is the return value of the subcall.
Name ---- pipeline_network_map(switch=None): Description ----------- Collate all the vland information from pipeline devices to create a complete map, then return YAML data for all switches or a specified switch. This function requires authentication with a username and token. Arguments --------- switch: string hostname or IP of the switch to map. If None, data is returned for all switches. Return value ------------ Returns a YAML file of the form: switches: '': - port: 5 device: interface: eth0 sysfs: "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:19.0/net/eth0" mac: "f0:de:f1:46:8c:21" hostname: bbb1
Name ---- revoke_perm_device(`perm`, `device`, `group`): Description ----------- Revoke a permission from a specific group over a device. This function requires ``change_device`` permission. Arguments --------- perm: string Permission codename string. Currently supported permissions for Devices are 'view_device', 'submit_to_device' and 'change_device'. device: string device hostname to revoke permission for. Device with the specific hostname must exist in LAVA. group: string group name to which the permission will be revoked Return value ------------ No return value.
Name ---- revoke_perm_device_type(`perm`, `device_type`, `group`): Description ----------- Revoke a permission from a specific group over a device type. This function requires ``change_devicetype`` permission. Arguments --------- perm: string Permission codename string. Currently supported permissions for Device_Types are 'view_devicetype', 'submit_to_devicetype' and 'change_devicetype'. device_type: string name of device type to revoke permission for. Device type with specified name must exist in LAVA. group: string group name to which the permission will be revoked Return value ------------ No return value.
Name ---- set_user_groups(`user`, `groups`): Description ----------- Set the groups a given user belongs to. This function requires staff access. Arguments --------- user: str user (identified by email) whose groups will be changed groups: Array of str the name of each group to which this user belongs Return value ------------ No return value.
Name ---- user_can_submit_to_types (`type_list`) Administrators only: user_can_submit_to_types (`type_list`, `username`) Description ----------- Check the access permissions on a list of device types. Admins can specify a username as the second argument to run the query on behalf of that user. Arguments --------- type_list: list list of device types to query username: string username of the user to query (admins only) Return value ------------ Returns a dictionary where the key is a string of the device_type from the type_list, if it exists in the queried instance. The value is a boolean for whether the user can submit to any devices of the specified type. { 'panda': True, 'mustang': False } If the device type number does not exist, that type will be omitted from the returned dictionary. This function requires authentication with a username and token. Example ------- server.system.user_can_submit_to_types( ['mustang', 'panda', 'qemu', 'kvm', 'cubie2'] ) {'cubie2': True, 'mustang': False, 'kvm': True, 'qemu': True, 'panda': True} # if using the username and token of an admin, a different user can be queried: server.system.user_can_submit_to_types( ['mustang', 'panda', 'qemu', 'kvm', 'cubie2'], 'firstname.lastname' )
Name ---- user_can_view_bundles (`bundle_list`) Removal of V1 support -------------------- This function has been disabled. It is retained as a stub for older versions of clients. Please update your tool to use LAVA V2.
Name ---- user_can_view_devices (`device_list`) Administrators only: user_can_view_devices (`device_list`, `username`) Description ----------- Check the access permissions on a list of devices. Admins can specify a username as the second argument to run the query on behalf of that user. Arguments --------- device_list: list list of device hostnames to query username: string username of the user to query (admins only) Return value ------------ Returns a nested dictionary where the top level key is the device type, the value is a list of dictionaries. The key of the second dictionary is a hostname from the device_list which exists in the queried instance. The value is a boolean for whether the user can access that device. If the device is visible, also includes a boolean denoting whether the specified device is a pipeline device which can run jobs designed in the dispatcher refactoring. If a pipeline device, also includes a boolean denoting whether the specified pipeline device exclusively accepts YAML submissions - JSON submissions are rejected if this device is marked as exclusive. { 'mustang': [ { 'mustang01': { 'visible': True } } ], 'panda': [ { 'panda05': { 'visible': True } } ] } If the device type is hidden, that type and the nested dictionary for that type will be omitted. Retired devices will be omitted. If the device does not exist, that device will be omitted from the returned dictionary. This function requires authentication with a username and token. Example ------- server.system.user_can_view_devices(['kvm014', 'kvm02']) {'qemu': [ {'kvm014': { 'exclusive': True, 'visible': True, 'is_pipeline': True } }, {'kvm02': { 'exclusive': True, 'visible': True, 'is_pipeline': True} } ] } # if using the username and token of an admin, a different user can be queried: server.system.user_can_view_devices( ['mustang01', 'wandboard07', 'imx53-01', 'cubietruck02', 'black01'], 'firstname.lastname' )
Name ---- user_can_view_jobs (`job_list`) Administrators only: user_can_view_jobs (`job_list`, `username`) Description ----------- Check the access permissions on a list of jobs. Admins can specify a username as the second argument to run the query on behalf of that user. Arguments --------- job_list: list list of job ids to query username: string username of the user to query (admins only) Return value ------------ Returns a dictionary where the key is a string of the job_id from the job_list, if it exists in the queried instance. The value is a boolean for whether the user can access that job. { '1234': True, '1543': False } If the job number does not exist, that job will be omitted from the returned dictionary. This function requires authentication with a username and token. Example ------- server.system.user_can_view_jobs([1, 2, 3, 4, 99999, 4000]) {'1': True, '4000': True, '3': True, '2': True, '4': True} # if using the username and token of an admin, a different user can be queried: server.system.user_can_view_jobs([1, 2, 3, 4, 99999, 4000], 'firstname.lastname') {'1': True, '4000': False, '3': True, '2': True, '4': False}
Name ---- `system.version` () Description ----------- Return the lava-server version string Arguments --------- None Return value ------------ lava-server version string
Name ---- `whoami` () Description ----------- Find the authenticated user, if any, or None. Arguments --------- None Return value ------------ Name of the authenticated user, if any, or None.